Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Low Blood Sugar

My dads sugar levels went down to the 30's. He was teetering on the verge of going into shock. Usually we are able to prevent this by catching it on time or when it's not so low.

I was watching tv, and I heard my mom saying my pops name. I instantly knew. I ran as fast as I could down the hall and burst into the room. My dad was sweating, his shirt soaked and he was uncouncious. Typically, orange juice has a fast effect on increasing sugar levels, but he wasn't able to swallow any of it.

We couldn't wake him up. I told my mom to call my brothers to help me since he was too heavy for me and was falling off the bed. They still can't bear(not that I can either, but I can hold it together) to see him like this. They were freaked out. Our usual steps for this were not working. I told them to call the ambulance. Miryam was freaking out and crying, having flahbacks of her grandpa who died of a similar attack. Everyone was all over the place. My neice was pacing around the hallway crying silently cuz her grandpa wouldn't wake up.

The ambualnace finally showed up. They injected him with what I believe was liquid sugar. 5 seconds later, he was conscious. He demanded that they all leave him alone cuz he wanted to eat and then go to sleep. My pops was back to normal!

This is something that occurs regularly in my home. I'm prepared for it. Sometimes I don't wanna move away for grad school because of something like this. My fear is something happening while I'm away. I'm uually the one that catches these things. My dad doesn't really ask for help. He tries to do things on his own. A few times he fell on his way to get some OJ to raise up his sugar levels. Storm told me something her brother told her when her mom was also sick. It stuck with me. I think of it constantly, but it's just too hard to leave.

It has been at least 2 months since his last low blood sugar episode. I pray there isn't a next one.

James Dean

So much has gone down the past week. Last Wednesday, December 23rd, we took a Last minute road trip up north to Cholame CA, to visit the James Dean memorial site and junction. It was a fun road trip. We took the I-5 and passed through some great looking scenery. Fields, mountains, and lonely roads. And we went through Lost Hills, a small town out in the middle of nowhere. Very fucked up place to drive at night. All dark and fields stretched out for miles. CREEPY!

It was a 3.5 hour drive but it was well worth it. We were at the location of that fateful day back in September 30, 1955. We were standing near the scene of the James Dean's death site. I felt sad, yet very happy to be there. I had finally made it to the monument errected in his honor. It was the site of the crash that ended his young life. It was eerie that he always said he would die young. He will always be The rebel. The myth. The legend. The one and only James Dean. RIP

There was a small diner there. We stopped and We ate some pie, which said was home made, but it was actually Jell-O pudding. Muscle said it tasted familiar and it did. Kidvic mention Jell-O and yup......he was right. $4 for a pie I coulda made at home. It would have been a bitch, but they paid for me! :-D

Sunday, August 09, 2009


Our neighbors have 3 kids. All young. They are really close to my mom and dad. They always come over to visit, and my mom always buys them things. Why doesnt she buy me things??? :0(

They are here right now. Watching The Simpsons in my room. They are really cool kids tho. 2 girls and their younger brother. I gave them a deck of cards and they fucked me up in Speed. How sad.....

They are always welcome here. They always come over to see how my dad is doing. You dont get those kinds of kids nowadays. Its nice. And my pops is a kid loving person. He's always happy when they r here, so its a plus in my book.

I just wish my mom would buy me ice cream, chips, candies and soda. I'm Jealous!!!!

The Sunrise

On Friday I met up with Storm and Ricardo at BJ's for a Pizookie. The wait was too long so we went for some starbucks and for some Red Brick Pizza. We headed to their house where we were playing the Batman:Arkham Asylum Demo. SHIT LOOKS AWESOME!!!

Jeff and I planned on going to pinks later that night. Before we left we picked up Karilo, took him to Carls, then took him home. We had not gone to Pinks in over 2 months. It was a regular ritual for us to go and just eat and chat. It was about 2 am when we left. We didn't wanna go home, So we drove westbound till we could no more. We found this awesome spot we wanna head back to, to bar hop. We headed back home, passed downtown LA, decided we still didnt want to go home so we kept driving east. We just kept talking and enjoying the ride, not knowing where we were heading. We ended up in whittier, and decided to just keep going. We had a good convo going, so onwards we went. We ended up in diamind bar, about a mile away from Chino. I turned into some weird streets and the next thing we knew, we were lost. I had my iPhone, but i dindt wanna use it. It was 4:30am at this point, so i decided to see where we were specifically. We finally found our way back, but took a detour and ended up in Fullerton. We decided to finally just head back. He had to be up at 7am. Dawn was approaching. We saw the sky turn from black, do dark blue, to a purpulish color. We tripped out on how the drive seemed quick and how it was our best night time drive thus far.
We finally got home, and at this point it was 5:30am.

When i got home, my dad was already up. He saw me walk in, and said "Its been a while since you've gotten home when I'm up. Ahh.... to be young. G'Night!" i set my Alarm at 11am, cuz i didnt want to sleep into the afternoon. I ended up waking up at 9:30 cuz Rosie's $300 bird (more on this another day) managed to get out of his cage. His wings are clipped, and our dog hates you see where this story is going??? well turns out lil Pulga, our Female Jack Russell, atatcked and killed him. Poor Bird. Stupid Bird. I liked him....... he was a tropical colored bird and always let me pet him and he would stand on my fingers and my shoulders. RIP Rooney.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Potter, shopping and the future

I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at a midnight screening at midnight. MEH! I loved the book.....really loved the book, but the movie didn't cut it for me. It was entertaining and funny, but overall, it didn't have the umph that i expected it to have. Maybe i was expecting too much??? hmmm..... Im going to go see it again with a friend who i said i would see it with. Maybe ill enjoy it more now?? we'll see!

I went out with Kidvic yesterday to shop for comic-con. We bought some things that were essential, but we are no where near done shopping. Our list grew a great deal compared to what we bought. We have the schedule of what we r gunna do planned out. Some the same things, some we will head on our own.

I fell asleep last night while texting to make plans for the Potter movie. I slept in my clothes and woke up thinking WTF.... It was a good rest. I needed it. Too much has been going on. Im at work right now. I was having a coversation about our future with Jenni and Boa. Imma head out with Nessa later today. Should be fun! Gunna get Jamba Juice, so mmmmmmmm.

I want to go to New York. I'm thinking of planning a last minute trip this summer, but i dont wanna head out alone and i dont think anyone would be interested in going all last minute. Need to plan and it will be a lot of $$$$$$. We'll see!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Running through my mind are the countless things that i need to get done by next week. I have started on them, but i know i won't finish. procrastination is my enemy.....and my friend. Comic con is now days away, and i am nowhere near ready. Hell, im nowhere near ready to begin to get ready! make sense? i thought so..... Its 2:20am and i have work tomorrow. I should be sleeping, but im not tired. Maybe its from all the caffeine i drank........ Fuck it, it was worth it!!

Although i start my final year of college at the end of August, i feel like my summer vacation has already ended. I havnt done much of anything for myself. I want to take a trip outside Cali, but i dont see that happening anytime soon. At least not this summer. I better enjoy my time off....

i keep hearing noises in my backyard. I dont wanna check, cuz i have this fear tha when i finally decide to do it, someone ig going to grab me and pull me outside to kill me.....Great, my mind just went to places and the noises are occuring more frequently.

i just finished a vanilla shake i bought from jacks. I wish i would have gotten an Oreo Cookie shake tho.... looked more tasty!

I had a conversation earlier with a friend about my childhood. I dug up sme things i dindt want to remember and i felt sad. It was good talking about them though. Wish i could do that more often. All that was missing were drinks, which we would have had, but didnt. These memories of my second home as a child took me back to a place i hadnt gone to in so long. The smell of the hospital has stayed with me to this day. It was my second home. I knew it so well. I was never comfortable there, but i had to be there. No i dindt, i wanted to be there. How can u leave one of your family members there everyday without seeing them??

Im greatful to still have those around me alive and well. Im greatful to be surrounded with such great friends. Im greatful for those late night drives through the deserted streets of Los Angeles and having great conversations.

This ended up somewhere opposite of what i originally intended...... hmmm..... maybe i am tired. Ooooo a text! :0)

Thanks slutface! u always see to make me laugh.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

King of Pop and an Angel

On June 25, 2009, I was eating breakfast with my dad at Dennys. I took him to doctors appointment and we needed to take our meds, so we went to grub. Because of the twitterverse, i found out that Farrah Fawcett had lost her battle to cancer. I told my dad, who responded with "I remember her poster. she was beautiful," of course, he was refering to the iconic shot of her in a red one peice swinsuit and that one of a kind smile.

I headed to work later, and was chit-chatting with my co-workers when my friend, Karilo, sent me a text that Michael Jackson was rushed to the hospital. I told my co-workers and in 2 seconds we were on TMZ trying to find more info. A lil while later, news broke out the The King Of Pop had died. At this moment, the world stopped for Michael. The internet and all social network sites crashed as fans all over were spreading the news. Millions of people began mourning his death.
My dad called me in the midst of this to let me know that Michael had died. I can't speak for everyone, but i believe the world truly lost an iconic figure.......a legend. Despite all his antics and that tabloid coverage, whether true or false, his influence in Pop culture as truly something. I will never see another Michael Jackson, at least not in my lifetime.

I won't go on with more details, but it was trly a sad day. Its one of those things that when you look back in discussing this, you will always remember where you were or what you were doing.

RIP Farrah Fawcett.

RIP Michael Jackson, your life was rarely peaceful.

Battlestar Galactica

Again, its been a while since i last wrote on here.... gunna try and keep it up-to-date again. Maybe i will more now since im on summer vacation and have more free time. Also adding tat i finished my summer class too. Yay!!

On another note, i recently started watching Battlestar Galactica again. Jeff really wanted to see it, and ive been wanting to rewtch the series again, so we started watching them. Kidvic saw us when we bought food and joined in. Sadly, he missed more than 20 episodes and is now behind.....and lost. Now that i'm re-watching the series im really appreciating it more than my initial viewing. ITS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!! one of my Top 5 shows for sure.

I got sick a few days ago and i lost my voice. had to miss out on a vegas trip to. LAME!!!! kinda glad i did tho, when my dad almost went into a diabetic coma. Not fun......not fun at all!

its fucking hot! it was 87 degrees today. ugh! wish i could have gone to the beach. i need a good relaxing day at the beach..... i really do.

Comic-Con is in less than 2 weeks. im seriously turning into a giggling school girl as i type this..... im so lame!
I could really go for an iced coffee right now. imma head out and buy one. its hot and i wanna get out of the house.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So, today I went to target to buy some blu ray DVDs. I didn't pick up all of the ones i wanted to get, but i got a handful. My collecion is slowly starting to grow. I also picked up 2 basketball shorts. Did i need them? Not really, but I wanted them.

Anywho, I started working on my Economics homework, and although I was lost in the lecture today, I seem to understand the homework. It should be a good thing, but I fear for the second exam. UGH! I guess I'll worry about that after my spring break. Lets hope it all goes well!! I should finish it, but I'll leave it till tomorrow, because im lazy!!

I'm watching Erin Brockovich right now. I havn't seen this film in years! My phone keeps buzzing. New text messages! Probably Twitter.

Time to drop everything I'm doing and finish watching Erin Brockovich.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Sushi and Suri

I just finished texting Karina, and we are on for our weekly Sushi Extravaganza!!! I'm excited because for the past 2 weeks, we were unable to go. Yay! and mmmmmmmmm , sushi!!

We will probably go for a Suri Cruise hunt after we finish eating, which is always fun. Suri is our mascot! We love that little, future train-wreck!!! She is the center of our universe!

Karina, this is for you: SURI CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hee hee hee)

I have a feeling I have something else to do this week. Something important, but I just can't seem to remember what it is.......... I hate when that happens!

Until next time.....

Raising my grade

So I'm here at work, and my boos just left. She has a meeting and depending how long it lasts, she may not be back. I hope it takes a while. I like being alone in the office. ^_^

I had a Managerial Economics exam last Thursday. I studied for that shit like crazy, and as soon as i got the test, i began to freak out. Now only was she giving us these random things that made no sense, but i just blanked out. The fact that I heard people saying "WTF?" and "OMG" made me feel better. I wasn't alone...... Needless to say, i started going through the questions, panicking more and more as I read them. What should have been simple procedures, were difficult analytical problems. They required about 4 steps in order to get an answer. Then we had to use that answer and apply it to a formula we had to memorize in order to get another answer which we would then plug into another formula to get the final answer.. Then we would move to part "b". (Keeping up??) IT WAS HORRIBLE!

Luckily, I got through them after many attempts in trying to regurgitate the formulas from my mind. I felt confident that i passed the exam. Maybe not with an A, but i thought i did fairly well.....

....which leads us to today. I get to class and people start asking me "What did you get? What did you get???" I wasn't aware that the grades were posted online, so I whip out my Iphone and log into my account. 75 points out of 100. It didnt seem so bad to me considering the average score was 66 points. I have to admit, I was disapointed in my grade. Steve,the guy that sits next to me, had a 87. People were bitching about the exam, and she started going over it.

I noticed that she marked 2 multiple choice questions that I got right, wrong. After class, I went up to her and pointed out the mistake. She apologized and made a note to change my grade. Those two questions alone were more than I needed. It boosted my grade to 88 points!!! YAY!!!! The highest grade in the class was a 96. We all heard that she curves the final grade HUUUUGE! I should be good as long as i average above the class average. With her curve, i should be set to pass the class.

This class is definetely my hardest one. Im determined to pass it with a high grade. Looks like i have to hit the books harder than i anticipated cuz its only gunna get tougher the further into the book we go.

I am soooo NOT looking forward to that.

Until next time......